
Giuseppe A.

4 publications between 1975 and 1990 indexed
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Works authored

Cavajoni, Giuseppe A., Supplementum adnotationum super Lucanum, vol. 3: Libri VIII-X, Amsterdam: A. M. Hakkert, 1990.  
Supplement (vol. 3/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).
Supplement (vol. 3/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).
Cavajoni, Giuseppe A., Supplementum adnotationum super Lucanum, vol. 2: Libri VI-VII, Milan: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1984.  
Supplement (vol. 2/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).
Supplement (vol. 2/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).
Cavajoni, Giuseppe A., Supplementum adnotationum super Lucanum, vol. 1: Libri I-V, Testi e documenti per lo studio dell'antichità, 63, Milan: Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1979.  
Supplement (vol. 1/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).
Supplement (vol. 1/3) to Endt's Adnotationes super Lucanum (1909).

Contributions to journals

Cavajoni, Giuseppe A., “Scholia inediti a Lucano del codex Bernensis Litt. 45 saec. X”, Acme 28:1–2 (1975): 79–114.